Temporary residence is foreign citizens in Republic of Belarus.
Temporary residence is finding of foreign citizens and persons without nationality on the territory of the Republic of Belarus more than 90 days (but no more than one year). The bases for receiving permission to temporary stay are provided by Art. 48 of the Legislation of the Republic of Belarus. These bases are:
- Education in establishments of formation of the Republic of Belarus
- Сconducting labor, business or other activity in the order established by the legislation.
- Presence of the close relatives who are constantly living on the territory of the Republic of Belarus
- Marriage foreign citizens
- Establishment of guardianship (guardianship) by citizens of the Republic of Belarus over foreign citizens in the order established by the Law (for the term no more than one year)
- An ethnic origin to Belarusians and presence of blood relatives on the descending line
- Existence of the status of the refugee or granting a political asylum in RB
- Existence of own living space (but the right to temporary residence stands out no more than for a year)
- Receiving medical care in establishments of health care of RB on stationary conditions - existence of the bases for acquisition of nationality of RB in an order of registration
- Other bases provided by the Legislation of RB
If foreign citizens earlier were married to the citizens of the Republic of Belarus it is also the basis for receiving permission to temporary residence in RB.
For receiving permission to temporary residence foreign citizens are obliged to provide the following package of documents in law-enforcement bodies (in a place of prospective temporary residence):
- The statement
- The filled questionnaire of the established sample, approved by the Ministry of Internal Affairs
- The document which confirms existence of the bases of foreign citizens for receiving permission to temporary residence.
- The document, confirming existence of the right of a trip abroad
- The migration card or the loose leaf with a stamp about registration
- The insurance policy
- The documents confirming the right to registration in a place of prospective stay
- The documents confirming payment of the state duty in the size, established by the legislation on date of payment
Important! By consideration of documents on temporary residence the foreigner is obliged to confirm existence of necessary money, for a covering of expenses on stay on the territory of the Republic of Belarus. The decision on delivery (or refusal) permissions to temporary residence till one year is accepted by appropriate bodies within 15 days from the date of submission of documents. Information on the accepted decision goes to the foreign citizen in writing in a place of temporary residence.