Tourism in Belarus.

Many foreigners who have never been in Belarus believe that people live here as well as in the Soviet Union. There are still dressed, what is necessary, and stand in line for many kilometers sausage and baby food. But at a time when some Europeans have expressed their assumptions, others enjoy the holiday in Belarus, rich history and cultural traditions. So what really is our country, dynamic and prosperous republic, or a relic of the Soviet Union? In this article, foreign visitors to share their impressions of the Republic of Belarus. So, Belarus eyes of tourists!

Belarus-one country!

Europeans recognize that their countries actually have been associated with the Soviet Union, Belarus, however, is much less common. Coming here, they are ready to see something in red and gray, with a total lack of a rich past and the decayed state. But as soon as he moved abroad, the surprise of Europeans has no boundaries! Today in Belarus beautiful roads and roadside services, economic development and infrastructure, incredibly beautiful and well-kept town village. The only echo of the past is the name of the main streets. They are still in all the settlements became great Soviet, October, Lenin. At every step, you can find cinema Victorу or Pioneer - the old but they have only a name. Everything else is so changed that from ruin and the deficit remained no trace. What people now live in the capital and walk the streets with historical names already?

Frenchman Dr. Lewis arrived in Minsk on business issues. Appealed to Dmitry Vavdichiku Yakimovich for permission for temporary stay. We found him in the department of Citizenship and Migration RB. Natured European gladly shares his impressions:

“I have visited many countries, including those that were part of the Soviet Union. But Belarus is really impressed, then perfectly dressed and educated people, who, by the way, good command of English, clean and beautiful streets, convenient transportation. Now the street is cold enough, but even in such conditions, I could not deny myself the pleasure of walking pedestrians, the more air is much cleaner than in Europe. While in Minsk more than 1000 000 inhabitants. Be sure to come back here in the summer, when all is green. And yet, I seriously considered the question of acquisition of real estate in Minsk. Maybe in the summer and maturation”

“Opinion Swede Ake, who not only constantly coming to Belarus, but it even has a temporary residence permit:

“I love to watch people. How they behave, how to communicate and even how to walk! 7 years ago when I arrived in Belarus, it seemed to me that he was in the country a positive. People have good and well-bred. Never remain indifferent to the suffering of others. How many times have confused the metro station, but always found the right way around, I was immediately a crowd all trying to help. Surprisingly, in Sweden, all completely different! Since then I have been a guest in Belarus. Now  a small business has opened here, and came here to place your residence”

American Dan, from the state of California recognizes that the collective nature of the culture is not seen anywhere else:

“In Minsk hardly see contrasts. Here are all equally well-dressed, they have the same habits and even demeanor. But this is good, because there is no border between the rich and the poor. The standard of living for all high enough, and it does not look like the famous Soviet Union.”

 Only negative, which is celebrated by all foreigners - this is the language barrier. They talk about it at all because that modern Belarusians do not speak English. The fact that many of the signs are written in this country on one of the two official languages, which are not clear for foreign guests. In addition, immigration cards, which must be completed after crossing the border, contain English text, printed in small letters so that it can only be considered with good optics. Italian Morena says about this:

“Before the trip to Belarus, I carefully examined all, what documents are needed, where to make the registration, where to go on a trip, and even made the route. But landing at the airport Minsk-1, I was faced with a number of unexpected things that have not been written on the Internet. First of all - a questionnaire which was to be filled. It contained a list of questions in Russian and English font was printed very small letters. Some questions seem to me very strange, for example a weapon. But the country I was struck cleanly and rich cultural traditions. If it were not for signs in Russian, then it went to 10 +”

Another Italian also lamented the language barrier:

“I came to Belarus as a tourist. The country is really great, but I was confused more. As you know, all foreign nationals must come registering. I found on the internet and the phone call to the Department of Citizenship and Migration, but nobody was able to communicate with me in English! I had to look further ... If not for the individual entrepreneur Dmitry Vavdichik, then I probably would have just been fined. It was he who helped me to make a temporary residence permit. So the next time the first thing he call “

Biker from Sweden is not complaining of the language barrier, he was struck by something else:

“I am biker and traveling around Europe on a motorcycle. A year ago, I first visited Belarus and the first thing he saw - is the central square in Minsk, filled with motorcycles. It turned out that on certain days of the week there are going to bikers and lovers. I naturally stopped to chat with all. Was amazed when once received an invitation to go with them in the cafe. All evening we rode through the streets of Minsk and shared their impressions of traveling, and in the evening parted friends. Wonderful country with a sincere and good people”

Dududki-favorite place foreigners!

The more foreigners are visiting our country, the higher level of service. In recent years gained huge popularity in the Agriturismo vacation. Hunting, fishing and cuisine are highly valued by foreign guests. In the Minsk area is incredibly popular outdoor museum-Dududki. There, guests can appreciate the famous Belarusian hospitality and all of this combined with the perfect holiday. The museum complex is a two estates that were built in the nineteenth century. There creators of the museum tried to restore the closed economy that existed in our ancestors. The initiator of the establishment was a talented businessman and journalist Eugene Budinas. A start was made with the establishment of a stable, then earned a windmill, a cheese factory, pottery and more. Getting there, foreigners are guests of the estate and get acquainted with the way of life of Belarusians in the 19th century. They also have the opportunity to purchase souvenirs made by skillful hands of craftsmen, treat Pana moonshine and eat the bread of his own production. In short, foreigners have the opportunity to see and try all the things that will never see a conservative Europe. So, welcome to Belarus!