Business in Belarus.

Belarus is the country with powerful economic potential which settles down in the center of Europe. For these and many other reasons foreigners with pleasure start to do business in our country. Thus, are created not only new workplaces, but also foreign economic relations are established.

 What is necessary for foreigners to open business in Belarus?

According to our Legislation, the new enterprises can create both physical, and legal entities. At observance of all legal requirements, any obstacles to creation of business by the foreign person can't be.

The first step to business opening in Belarus is granting by the foreign person a copy of the passport certified notarially. Here it is necessary to know that in some instances ask to provide a x-copy translated into Russian!

 For opening, for example, open company (Limited liability company) is necessary:

  • to receive the certificate which certifies the company name (stands out in the Ministry of Justice);
  • to provide the enterprise charter;
  • to define the legal address of the enterprise;
  • to open the temporary account in any Belarusian bank and to put on it 50 % from expected fund of the company;
  • to receive the copies of the registration certificate certified at the notary;
  • to prepare and order a common seal (it is in addition possible to order and stamps);
  • to be registered in tax authorities and to receive registration number of the taxpayer;
  • to assure notarially signatures and the press;
  • to pay the state taxes in the established size.
  • to execute other actions provided by the legislation of Belarus.

 After that it is necessary to open the constant bank account.

 The system of the taxation of the foreign enterprises depends from:

  • the size of the enterprise;
  • the chosen form of ownership;
  • from an enterprise site (in Republic of Belarus there is a preferential system of the taxation for the enterprises located in rural areas, bonded economic areas, Park of high technologies).

 Opening of a foreign mission in Belarus territory.

With the permission of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Belarus, the foreign enterprises have the right to open representations in the territory of our Republic.

The representation of the foreign organization isn't the legal entity and consequently has the right to be engaged in business activity in RB territory only on behalf of the represented organization. To obtain permit to opening of representation it is necessary to provide the following package of documents in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

  • certified copies of constituent documents of the foreign organization;
  • the statement of the established sample;
  • a copy of the document confirming the state registration of the organization in the country;
  • the applicant. It can be an extract from the trading register, the certificate on registration and other;
  • the power of attorney legalized in accordance with the established procedure;
  • the provision on representation;
  • the power of attorney on authorized for representation opening the person;
  • the document which confirms payment of the state duty provided for opening of representation.

At filing of application on opening of representation is defined on the head of representation term on which it opens. However at the appeal to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs no later than five days before the expiration of operating permission, term of activity of representation can be prolonged.