Belarusian brides.
Many Belarusian girls dream of “foreign prince”, and the men of the “foreign princess”. Brides and grooms are in our country out of 65 countries. In 2009, the Minsk Palace of Marriages were registered 452 marriage. The main part of suitors are from Germany, Italy and Israel. According to statistics, there are many more than the brides. Belarusian beauty has always attracted foreigners, and every year the number of marriages is increasing. Citizens of Ukraine and Russia, as foreigners are not considered.
Where in Minsk register marriages with foreigners?
Making a marriage with a foreign prince can be in any of the capitals registry office. However, to become a legal wife with people from other countries only in Minsk Palace of marriage, which is located at the Communist, 8. Such is the tradition. The ceremony itself is no different from the traditional to the Belarusian people. Thats just a list of required documents is slightly different. When applying the Belarusian must have a passport and a certificate that at the moment he is not married.
A foreign citizen for their part must provide a passport, certificate of marital status from the place of residence, proof of a temporary residence permit (temporary residence permit, residence permit), which must act at the time of the marriage. All documents must be certified by a notary public and then made available to employees registry office. When you apply, you must have with you the amount needed to pay the state duty for registration of marriages.
The ceremony takes place in Russian or Belarusian and only on certain days of the week, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. According to the rules for applying to attend both, however, if the alien is not possible to come to Belarus, we can assure the authenticity of the signature of a notary. This could be done by a lawyer of the State of nationality of the foreigner. In this case, the document should be translated into Russian and Belarusian.
After this application may be made to the registrar Under the current legislation, registration of marriage is made only in the passport of a citizen of Belarus. Document for aliens, however, remains clear. Newlyweds are given a certificate of marriage, which he can legalize their country. Similarly, Belarusian, marries abroad, legalized certificate already in our country.
I would like to note that the registration of the Russian-Belarusian marriage, put a stamp in the passport of both spouses. Such a procedure was established by an intergovernmental agreement, which was signed at the fact that such marriages are fairly common. This has greatly simplified the registration procedure.
I would like to draw attention to the safety rules for marriage abroad. To begin with, that all Belarusian dating agencies must be licensed for this type of activity. This document can be obtained from the Department of Citizenship and Migration Ministry of Interior. Agency entered into a contract for services dating. It spelled out the rights and obligations of both parties. In this case, marriage agencies are required to provide information about those individuals who travel abroad for dating. If a person does not return to Belarus within ten days from the date of the alleged entry, employees are also required to inform the Ministry of Interior.
If a woman traveling abroad for the purpose of marriage, in her passport visa should be the bride or other visa, immigration law provided for a fucking hour. If marriage is a sham and the police can prove a citizen of Belarus immediately deported. Before you go abroad, you need to learn more about the marriage laws of other countries, including the rights to the children together in the event of divorce. The main condition, if a person goes abroad for the purpose of dating, he is not allowed to work there!